Friday 10 April 2009

Cardiology block release programme - Cynthia

Title: Not decided at time of presentation

Going to look at block release programme, 4th year students had a 40% fail rate this year – the highest ever fail rate – 22 students failed out of 55
Wants to find out whether the fact it was a block release course had an effect on the pass rates. Does the fact that students either work in district general hospital or tertiary centres have an effect? Paediatric cardiology pass rate was low.
Would also like to know if there is a difference looking at the students’ entry points into the programme i.e. those who enter lst year with A level quals or direct entry into the 2nd year with a science degree. Students who take these exams have to be employed as a cardiac physiologist to get on the course.
External lecturers set questions, what is the impact?
Induction – First week on course for one hour – no diagnostic tests carried out
Possible triangulation: Statistical data/Assessment methods – exams/Possibly questionnaire for the students who took the examPeer input/questions: Have to identify weak and strong points of assessment/look at the make up of the group/at a tertiary centre they might have more exposure to cardiac surgery

1 comment:

  1. This is the site I was talking to you about - it may have some research findings on your topic
