Friday 10 April 2009

The foundation learning tier - Joyce

Topic: Research into the foundation learning tier – title not given
Focus: going to look at the importance of the foundation tier and the importance of functional skills when teaching learners. Will look at students aged 17 upwards. Vocational learners – care/hospitality etc. inc NEETS – progress or finding a job. What are students learning in the foundation tier – what are the benefits. Also progression routes will be looked at
Triangulation – through government documents accessed through the Internet/previous data to complete a comparative analysis with Basic Skills/interviewing learners.
Holistic approach – a literature review of government documentation and theorists such as Schon will be considered.
No timetable constructed as yet.
Peer input/questions: Asked what is the achievement/how useful is it?
Is it because they are going onto something? What do they do afterwards? What do NEET learners come away with?

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