Friday 10 April 2009

How to motivate reluctant learners? - Rudy

Age group of learners 16-19 on post-16 campus
Going to look at intrinsic v extrinsic motivation + create a blog to record research – wants to reference video clips to support research
Going to look at studies on reluctant learners – what makes learners reluctant? Is it lack of hope?
What can motivate learners other than the EMA?
Triangulation: Interviews, questionnaires and observations
Methods to analyse data – literature reviews/historical data + information + draw conclusions
Theorists to be considered – McGregor/Carl Rogers/Maslow/Herzberg/
Skinner/ Race and Kolb
David Numan – TESOL field – Motivating Young Learners
Ethical issues considered
Need to reduce bias – honesty to be paramount when dealing with young learners
Timeline – September 2009 to May 2010
Peer input/questions: Clarified that research will be carried out possibly 30-50 learners –point made that title of research proposal makes assumption that all learners are unmotivated – possible need for reformulation of question to ensure it is free of bias. Suggested questions to be proofread before use to ensure they are unbiased.

1 comment:

  1. Learner motivation is covered in a book by Child, D. (2007) Psychology and the Teacher, Continuum International Publishing Group, York - look at Chapter 8.
