Thursday, 26 February 2009

Session one review answers

1. Why is it important to keep a research diary?
- To explore your practice
- Reflect yourself/your ideas
- Help you to record research + writing
- Share experiences with peers + engage in interaction between peers + participants.

2. What is action research?
Research carried out by practitioners on their own practice.
Can be management/administration/medicine/education or social services

3. Complete the action research cycle:

This is represented by a circle annotated with planning, action, monitoring and reflection.

4. What is triangulation? How is it represented?

This is represented by a triangle, with observation at the peak and analysis and interviews at the other two corners, arrows move in towards the middle of the triangle with a question mark in the middle.

It is a combination of different methods giving access to different aspects of research

5. What does a critical friend do?

A critical friend is someone to talk over issues with, who helps you to focus without giving answers of his/her own.

6. List some of the criticism and limitations of action research:

- Lack of time
- Validity of research
- Unfamiliarity with research methods
- Action research produces results which are not viable – so it may confuse the situation

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